Thank you for caring for Uncle Peter and continue your incredible work xxx
For my inspiration, uncle Pete. Thanks for looking after him.
For our darling special brother xx
Thank you to the Rennie Grove Hospice for looking after my dear brother so well
We miss you big brother xx
Sending you so much ❤ Nicky, Curtis (x2) and family xx
In memory of Peter and dedicated to all of those at Rennie Grove, as well as family members, who took care of him.
Pete, you are one in a million and will be greatly missed. Forever in my heart xxxx
Peter was such a stronger fighter and will be missed by many.
Much loved Nephew and Cousin
So sorry to all of you for your loss. Wonderful Cause to raise money for in Peters Memory x
Thoughts with you all
To a special father in law X
With love x
To the Rennie Grove nurses, Thank you xx
Such fond memories of Peter With love Mary, Tom, Julie and Mac
Rest in peace Peter, such an amazing man! Thinking of you all at this sad time! Thank you Rennie workers amazing charity! X
Rest in peace Peter, such a courageous man. With all our love xxxx
Such a lovely man, glad I knew you Peter, thinking of you all at this time .... Virginia
Lifelong friend of my dear late husband and a wonderful man
For an amazing cause xx
Best Grandad ever.
Peter will be very much missed by us all.
To a very special man who will be sadly missed. Thoughts and love to the family
So sorry for your loss Matt and family. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.
Rest in peace Peter. Our condolences to Chris, Matt and Nicola xx
Thank you to the wonderful people at Rennie Grove who supported us all x
Amazing care given to an amazing man x My Dad x